Chad E. Poitras Cremation & Funeral Service and Poitras, Neal & York Funeral Home & Cremation Service are responsive to your needs and wishes. By offering a wide range of services, each family has the ability to create a meaningful and appropriate way to remember their loved one.
When a death occurs, there are certain criteria, mandated by law, which must be recognized and requirements fulfilled as a routine matter. Beyond this, the coordination of services and disposition choices are determined by the family. We will assist you and offer any guidance you may require.
©2017 - Chad E. Poitras Cremation & Funeral Service | 498 Long Plains Rd., Buxton, ME 04093 | 207-929-3723 | Fax: 207-510-8075
Chad E. Poitras Cremation & Funeral Service | 125 Sokokis Trail, East Waterboro, ME 04030 | 207-929-3723 | Fax: 207-510-8075
Poitras, Neal & York Funeral Home & Cremation Service | 71 Maple St., Cornish, ME 04020 | 207-625-3221 | Fax: 207-510-8075